Peningkatan Literasi Sekolah Guru dan Siswa melalui Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Perpustakaan STIE Perbanas Surabaya

Melati Purba Bestari, M. Hudhan Hakiki


The phenomenon of information explosion supported by the development of information
technology to overcome the required information literasi kemapuan. The ability of information
literacy to support the activities of searching, evaluating, and using information
appropriately. Information literacy should be owned by the academic community not
excluded the school community for teachers and students. The existence of Permendikbud
No.23 of 2015 requires schools to carry out activities “School Literacy Movement includes
basic literacy, library, media technology and libraries, and sharing opportunities with
representatives of teachers in Counseling Teacher Consultative Forum (MGBK) Surabaya
Library STIE Perbanas Surabaya held community service activities related to school
literacy improvement. The target schools include SMAN 15 Surabaya and SMA Wachid
Hasyim 1. Literacy improvement activities include sharing information literacy activities
with teachers, librarian lectures and competence activities of short story competitions.
The results of the service activities include the establishment of cooperation related to the
development of school literacy contained in the MoU, students’ understanding of school
literacy which reached 63% and the publication of a collection of short stories ISBN.


school lite movement, information literacy, library service to the community

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