Promosi Perpustakaan Melalui Bulletin di Perpustakaan “HAMKA” SD Muhammadiyah Condongcatur: Best Practice

Nurrohmah Hidayah


This paper aims to explain the development of promotional products in Library elementary
Muhammadiyah Condongcatur, through the creation of library bulletins.
In this study, the authors aim to explain the six stages in the implementation of this
program: 1) analyze user needs, 2) build partnerships, 3) develop activities and resources,
4) implementation of promotion, 4) evaluation. The results of this study is
a bulletin product that can be used as a library promotion tool and as an activity to
increase interest in reading and writing for all school civitas. The program in this study
needs to be addressed as there are many other elementary school libraries to develop
promotion at the primary school level.


School Library, Library Promotion.

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