Potensi dan Tantangan Naskah Kuno di Indonesia Sebagai Warisan Budaya Digital: Narrative Literature Review

Muhaemin Muhaemin


Indonesia has a diverse culture, history, and knowledge from the past written in ancient manuscripts. This research aims to identify the potential and challenges of ancient manuscripts in Indonesia, and formulate activities to overcome the challenges of ancient manuscripts as digital cultural heritage. The method used is Narrative Literature Review to explore and develop existing understanding and contribute to
shaping new perspectives. The data used was obtained from the Google Scholar database using research boundaries with a distance of the last 10 (ten) years, namely from 2014 - 2023 with a total of 8 journal articles. The data was analyzed by reducing and displaying data and making conclusions through a brief narrative. The results showed that ancient manuscripts in Indonesia have great potential as a source of information, history and knowledge, and can support the creative industry and tourism. However, there are challenges in the form of lack of public understanding, vulnerable physical condition of manuscripts, lack of public trust in the government, and threats from biological, physical, chemical, human, and natural disaster factors. In overcoming
these challenges, comprehensive efforts are needed such as socialization, additional budget, cooperation with various parties, increasing the capacity of human resources, and utilizing the latest technology in preserving ancient manuscripts. In conclusion,
the preservation of ancient manuscripts in Indonesia faces various complex challenges, but has great potential to be developed as a digital cultural heritage. Therefore, comprehensive efforts from various stakeholders are needed to overcome these challenges so that ancient manuscripts can be preserved and optimally utilized.


Potential; Challenges; Ancient manuscripts; Digital cultural heritage


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18326/pustabiblia.v8i1.1-17


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