Layanan UNILA Library Mobile: Inovasi Teknologi Digital di Perpustakaan Universitas Lampung

Rd. Erni Fitriani


The development of information and communication technology (ICT) is maked by various
patterns of information acquisition with various types and media formats. The presence
of mobile communication devices, online media, online games, web technology, social
networking applications such as: facebook, WhatsApp, line and other social networking
that makes users stay connected. This phenomenon becomes a challenge for information
managers (librarians) and information providers (Library) to make changes through the
application of information technology both in the library management and library services.
The Library of Lampung University has innovated digital technology in library services
through Unila Library Mobile service. The purpose of this research is to: 1) describe Unila
Library Mobile service as digital technology innovation of The Library of Lampung University;
2) explain the advantages and disadvantages of Unila Library Mobile service. This
research uses qualitative descriptive method with data collection through observation and
literature study. Observations to visitors of the Library of Lampung University, especially
visitors of reference services in the collection search process and tracing information online.
Library study through literature-literature related to the object of this research. The result
of this research is Unila Library Mobile service is the digital technology innovation of The
Library of Lampung University as an effort to improve the utilization of Library service. The
Unila Library Mobile service has the advantage of providing library services in a practical,
easy and efficient manner in utilizing them, but has disadvantages as well: Unila Library
Mobile service can not be accessed if the server at the Lampung University is eror; power
lines off; if you want to access outside the Lampung University must have free wifi; and if
you want to access with a smartphone must have a quota.


Unila Library Mobile Service, qualitative descriptive, Library of Lampung University

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